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Collaboration by Design:

Founded in 2009 with extensive experience in facilitating collaborative networks and development of innovation ecosystems in over 30 countries, The Collaborative Studio acts as PiRiC’s “innovation broker” or "curator”.

A not-for-profit Social Enterprise, The Studio operates in an impartial third-party position to help create successful collaborative projects by connecting PiRiC stakeholders and facilitating cooperation among PiRiC members that extends throughout innovation ecosystems for the long-term benefits of all.

Primary Network Partners



September 2009 as The Future Cities Institute, and has operated in over 30 countries in support of local innovation ecosystems.



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Collaboration Design and Facilitation

Everybody wants to make an impact in the world -- but the enormity of the task sometimes makes it difficult to know where to start. Through the Impact Challenge 2019, we're bringing together Science, Technology and regional Communities to take steps toward solving global problems while using new and emerging technologies.

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Transformation and Change Management

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Programme and Project Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi molestie, eros in commodo viverra, lacus erat interdum risus, ac fermentum felis nibh sed felis. Nullam imperdiet tellus in quam rhoncus, at venenatis odio rutrum. Vestibulum quis aliquet eros. Duis non libero nibh. Aenean quis congue lectus. Integer ipsum mauris, egestas vitae purus in, lobortis hendrerit felis. Integer eleifend placerat interdum. Curabitur vestibulum massa vitae commodo rhoncus. Nam sed tellus sed erat mollis bibendum nec sed leo. Nulla bibendum libero in tellus mattis posuere. Proin tristique mi tincidunt felis condimentum, et vestibulum enim efficitur. Integer ultricies tellus elit, in condimentum velit fringilla ac.

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Measuring Impact

We independently measure, research, and disseminate the impacts of collaborative innovation and digital transformation on the Four Capitals of New Zealand’s Living Standards Framework, primary industries and regional economies.

What we’ve accomplished:

The Collaborative Studio works with large, complex and sometimes chaotic organisations to help them bring about their collaboration and transformation ambitions.


Designed and delivered the Technology and Entrepreneurship Curriculum via public/private partnerships between industry professionals and universities in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Portugal and Poland



Led successful bid (NZ$47 mil) for national eScience infrastructure renewal as collaboration between New Zealand Government (MBIE), three Universities and two Crown Research Institutes



Researched, designed and delivered Agrifood go-to-market strategy for Microsoft in Asia Pacific region focusing on key emerging themes for the Agrifood sector and opportunities for digital enablement.



Extensive global experience in undertaking applied research and delivering hi-tech cluster, place-making and innovation center best-practices and commercialization program in over 30 countries with the Microsoft Global Network of Innovation Centers



Designed and led the successful collaboration between the Palmerston North City Council, Massey University, and Microsoft that established an innovation pop-up hub in the heart of Palmerston North and delivered research funding to Massey University