PIRIC’s mission (“Mission”) is made up of four core pillars:
1) Digital Technologies: accelerate the transfer and dissemination of key enabling technologies such as cloud services, Internet-of-Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning and data analytics into primary industries using a “collaborative innovation network “approach.
2) Digital Value Chains: explore innovative new ways of growing or producing, harvesting, processing and delivering primary industry outputs to both domestic and export markets using digital technologies while ensuring food security, traceability, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity for New Zealand.
3) Digital Workforce & Communities: help ensure that all people and communities in regional New Zealand have the access, confidence, skills and ability to participate in the digital world through digital inclusion initiatives such as targeted education and workplace-based training programmes.
4) Environmental sustainability: play a nationally significant role in identifying and implementing successful new ways to collaboratively address environmental challenges associated with the primary industriesOur Goals
PIRIC’s goals (“Goals”) are to foster collaborative innovation in order to:
1) support the development and execution of digital transformation strategies and initiatives in regional New Zealand in partnership with government (central, regional and local), iwi, academia and industry, and co-create sustainable social and economic development opportunities from the 'grass-roots' up;
2) strengthen existing primary industries innovation ecosystems in regional economies by creating greater access to, and exchange of, collaboration ideas and opportunities, expertise, learnings, skills, patterns, practices and relevant digital technologies;
3) increase opportunities for international collaboration for existing primary industries innovation & research clusters, and their associated organisations and individuals;
4) increase the capacity for primary industry enterprises to conduct digital transformation R&D programmes using internal resources, or in partnership with public research organisations;
5) support successful collaborative action focused on addressing environmental challenges;
6) support tertiary institutions and public research organisations to meet the increased demand for a digitally literate workforce in the regional economies, and deliver more ‘industry-led research’ by enhancing their capacity to collaborate with industry; and
7) measure, research, and disseminate the impacts of collaborative innovation on the primary industries.
Collaborative Innovation
He Kawenata
This Kawenata (“the Charter”) was established pursuant to the terms of the MoU and governs Primary Industries and Regional Innovation Collaborative (PiRiC) and any of its members that wish to engage in activities aligned to the UN SDG’s and the Vision, Mission and Goals of PiRiC.
PiRiC is a voluntary and unincorporated association, the Charter and MoU does not establish any kind of separate legal entity and, other than where stated to the contrary, is not intended to be legally binding. Among other things, this Charter is intended to:
Provide the basis for trust and alignment between PiRiC members.
Engender a collaborative innovation approach between parties.
Help to create a fair and level playing field between parties.
Reduce risk and uncertainty.
Provide a basis for mutual understanding of how issues such as possible creation of intellectual property will be handled.
To join PiRiC, each member must sign the signatory page at the end of the Charter, confirming that it will comply with and agrees to be bound by the terms of the Charter.
Doing so will give PiRiC members confidence that all members are mutually committed to the success of the PiRiC and have appropriately aligned expectations of the PiRiC and one another.
Join Primary Industries and Regional Innovation Collaborative …here.
With this in mind, PiRiC’s goals are to foster collaborative innovation in order to:
support the development and execution of digital transformation strategies and initiatives in regional New Zealand in partnership with government (central, regional and local), iwi, academia and industry, and co-create sustainable social and economic development opportunities from the 'grass-roots' up;
strengthen existing primary industries innovation ecosystems in regional New Zealand and South Pacific economies by creating greater access to, and exchange of, collaboration ideas and opportunities, expertise, learnings, skills, patterns, practices and relevant digital technologies;
increase opportunities for international collaboration for existing natural capital innovation & research clusters, and their associated organisations and individuals;
increase the capacity for primary industry enterprises to conduct digital transformation R&D programmes using internal resources, or in partnership with public research organisations;
support successful collaborative action focused on addressing environmental challenges;
support tertiary institutions and public research organisations to meet the increased demand for a digitally literate workforce in the regional economies, and deliver more ‘industry-led research’ by enhancing their capacity to collaborate with industry; and
measure, research, and disseminate the impacts of collaborative innovation on the natural capital sustainability and transformation.
He Kawenata
This Kawenata (“the Charter”) was established pursuant to the terms of the MoU and governs Primary Industries and Regional Innovation Collaborative (PiRiC) and any of its members that wish to engage in activities aligned to the UN SDG’s and the Vision, Mission and Goals of PiRiC.
PiRiC is a voluntary and unincorporated association, the Charter and MoU does not establish any kind of separate legal entity and, other than where stated to the contrary, is not intended to be legally binding. Among other things, this Charter is intended to:
Provide the basis for trust and alignment between PiRiC members.
Engender a collaborative innovation approach between parties.
Help to create a fair and level playing field between parties.
Reduce risk and uncertainty.
Provide a basis for mutual understanding of how issues such as possible creation of intellectual property will be handled.
To join PiRiC, each member must sign the signatory page at the end of the Charter, confirming that it will comply with and agrees to be bound by the terms of the Charter.
Doing so will give PiRiC members confidence that all members are mutually committed to the success of the PiRiC and have appropriately aligned expectations of the PiRiC and one another.
Join Primary Industries and Regional Innovation Collaborative …here.