Collaborative Innovation
Facilitation, change, programme and project managemnt services for collaboratibve networks and public-private partnerships.
Collaborative Innovation is enabling the discovery of new ideas, new approaches, new people and new organisations that were previously unknown to individual institutions and firms, and can sustainabley contribute to economic growth by commercializing productivity-enhancing inventions and processes that make better use of a region’s labor and capital.
World wide, public authorities are also recognizing the value of collaborative innovation and prefer to favor funding inter-firm/inter-institutional co-operation rather than to provide direct financial assistance.
As a result there is now increased emphasis on inter-firm collaboration in advanced technology and funding collaborative research/innovation activities, programs and infrastructures.
In these 'Networks' of Collaborative Innovation The Collaborative acts as a Innovation broker, or "curator" in a relatively impartial third-party position to help create successful collaborative projects by connecting stakeholders and facilitating cooperation that extends throughout innovation ecosystems for the long term benefits of all.
Our approach and operational model is based on the extensive body of knowledge and case studies in Innovation Ecosystems, Collaborative Network Organisations , Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Patterns and Practices to help our clients to quickly react to new opportunities and facilitate define consortia projects that combine organisational competencies/capabilities collaboratively to deliver outcomes.
The Collaborative was originally established as an incorporated society called The Future Cities Institute on the 3rd day of July 2009 under the New Zealand Incorporated Societies Act 1908.
in early 2018 we changed our name to The Collaborative Limited and moved from an incorporated society model to a limited liability company under New Zealand Company Law, with Special provision in our constitution that makes it clear that profit maximization is to be balanced by “social good” objectives and prohibits any of the capital or income being paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend for the private pecuniary profit of any individual (see below).
The Collaborative Limited operates as a social enterprise that trades to support social and economic development goals for local economies, and has adopted the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs definition of social enterprise with three main elements:
a social, cultural, or environmental mission that achieves public or community benefit;
a substantial portion of income derived from trade (50 per cent or more, or a demonstrable intention to reach this level); and
reinvestment of the majority, or all, of profit/surplus in the fulfillment of the organisation’s mission.