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The Natural Capital Accelerator

The Natural, Human, Social and Financial/Physical Capitals are fundamental to our national well-being and sustainability for future generations.

The Four Capitals Accelerator is a ‘trusted data’ and AI platform that supports

and technologies and business models Supporting Sustainable Development Goals 2030, AI, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Trust, Identify on a Trusted Data Platform


Primary Network Partner

NIWA, MetOcean, Auckland University, Waikato University


November 2018




Everybody wants to make an impact in the world -- but the enormity of the task sometimes makes it difficult to know where to start. Through the Impact Challenge 2019, we're bringing together Science, Technology and regional Communities to take steps toward solving global problems while using new and emerging technologies.

The Impact Challenge 2019 is a two-day long hackathon set for the end of Semester One at xxxxxxxx (DATE). Students will be able to put technology to work to solve the global problems outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Industry speakers, including change agents and disruptors in New Zealand's technology and innovation space, will feature at the kick off event on Wednesday, the DATE.

The Impact Challenge kick-off event will inspire innovators and problem solvers, and provide important information regarding the challenge. 

What we’ve accomplished:


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Nulla tincidunt eu diam quis tincidunt. Etiam sed nulla sagittis, tristique urna id, porta erat. Vestibulum et erat vel libero ornare mattis. Vivamus elementum quis augue vel gravida. Nunc lorem magna, facilisis ut suscipit nec, iaculis nec nibh. Pellentesque leo arcu, fringilla ut pharetra at.



Cras malesuada vel turpis nec vehicula. Quisque quis neque vitae nulla lobortis aliquam in in turpis. Aliquam sed iaculis lorem. Quisque ac risus nulla. Nulla dictum velit nec nunc interdum varius. Phasellus vehicula sapien nulla, at interdum leo eleifend vitae. Mauris ullamcorper auctor laoreet. Ut varius libero ut sem ornare, id ultricies ipsum aliquet.